St Anselm's College, Birkenhead to Denia

We are all a heck of a lot older than our secondary education days and I hope to include items of interest involving past students from St Anselm's, Birkenhead, Wirral. Merseyside. I will also make podcasts with links to my own education giving relevant thoughts to our discussions remembering our education is never confined to college days! 

Reggaefonics -My Friend Mykal Mosiah  1st February 2023

Great meeting with Mykal Reggaefonics with a nice walk on the beach before discussing the work of #BobMarley, #RayCharles, #NinaSimone and #StevieWonder. Here's a link to our earlier podcasts.

The Krankies from British TV

The Krankies are a Scottish comedy duo who enjoyed success as a cabaret act in the 1970s and on television in the 1980s, featuring in their own television shows and releasing their own
music single. They have regularly appeared in pantomime. The duo comprises wife Janette Tough and her husband Ian. As the Krankies they portray schoolboy Wee Jimmy Krankie (Janette), and paternal figure Ian Krankie (Ian), though in their comedy act they also portray other characters. Beginning in the 1990s, they regularly appeared as The Krankies in episodes of the BBC comedy series French and Saunders.
Ian and Janette joined me in September 2008

The Value of Sport with Matt King  7th December 2022

@vincetracy and @mattking discussed the true value of teaching, learning and playing sport including #teamwork #rules #authority #skills #cheating #bullying #injury #racism #skills #coaches #paedophiles #teaching #rugby #judo #drugs #hooligans #parents 

The True Meaning of Christmas with Matt King  1st December 2022

  @vincetracy and @mattking discuss #Christmas #Christ #Bethlehem #Rome #Christianity #Holydays #Holidays #Marketing #Media #TV #Nativity #Nativityplays #Church #religion #God #Belief #Puritans ##Rome #10commandments #Christmastrees #TheRestoration 

The Wonderful Benefits of Aloe Vera with Graham Ashton 28th November 2022

Wandering through #ElVergel market I met Graham Ashton who was selling the benefits of using #AloeVera. Graham is a teacher and educator and I knew we had to create a podcast and hopefully get good information to our listeners regarding #skin #healingwounds #dentalplaque #ulcers #constipation #stomach #laxative #liver #diabetes #bloodpressure and various other aspects associated with these plants

Concepts of Freedom with Matt King 22nd November 2022

@MattKing and @vincetracy discuss Concepts of Freedom which took us into many areas including #freedom #responsibility #abortion #freedomofspeech #censorship #religion #woke #religiousfreedoms #juststopoil #freedomofinformation #media #soapoperas #internet #licences #immigration 

Meeting Billy Brink ..18th November 2022

There is a really great music venue in Moraira called Saxo and I wanted to visit their special Monday evening Jam session with The Billy Brink Band. This was a different kind of jam session organised by a really talented musician, Billy Brink, and his very talented wife, Janet. Billy and Janet have brought a different dimension to the great jams which we have in Spain and Billy told me about his early life and times in South Africa during the turbulent days of apartheid. I felt I learned a lot from Billy during our time together and I thoroughly recommend a visit to Saxo in Moraira which is a great music venue. Billy's current project is called Shadow on the Waves

Telling the Truth with Matt King  15th November 2022

We are in danger of forgetting everything we have been taught during our formative years especially about the importance of telling the truth. @mattking joins @vincetracy to discuss  aspects of telling the truth.....#religion #christianity #Truth #lies #falsenews #education #depression #mentalhealth #politicians #boris #liztruss #knowledge #media #law #parliament #ethics

A Future star of Spain's Equestrian World  -Felipe Villanueva 11/Nov/22

Today, I met a future Equestrian star in Spain and this podcast demonstrates the importance of having a career pathway plus the advantages of learning English. It also demonstrates how our own experiences can come back into our life in various ways....

#felipevillanueva #caballo #horses #equestrian #bilbao #mungia #bizkaia #hipica #equitacion #deporte #Caballo #Horse #Caballos #Equino #centrohipicoolivanova #duchycollege #stokeclimsland #duchyofcornwall #kingcharles

Radio Colleague Matt King discusses Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll  8th Nov. 2022

@mattking and @vincetracy discussed the implications of #alcohol and #drugabuse from definitions of these terms via #teaching #experience #sport #rugby #judo #music #Spain #UK #theosaps #advertising #sponsors #centrepoint #emmerdale #coronationstreet #beer #spirits #depression #loneliness #socialdrinking #age

Radio Colleague Matt King joins me to discuss #Altzheimers and #Dementia

 An updated study on dementia published in the Lancet found that around 40% of dementia cases worldwide might be attributable to 12 potentially modifiable risk factors ..........1st November 2022

so we looked at such factors as #Health #education #lifestyle #smoking #drugs #alcohol #hypertension #obesity #depression #physicalfitness #diabetes #internet #socialcontact #airpollution #contactsports #headinjury

Mike Payne Local Conservative Councillor 31st October 2022

@MIKEPAYNE joined @vincetracy to try and  make sense of the happenings in the UK. We discussed #RishiSunak #liztruss #Margaretthatcher #Tories #Labour #immigrants #racism #ecozealots #juststopoil #economy #woke cop27 #MONARCHY #THECROWN #NETFLIX

Matt King  What is our Purpose?    Matt graduated from St Mary's College, Twickenham

24th October 2022

@mattking and @vincetracy discuss our raison d'etre or why are we here? Along the way we discuss our teaching careers #rugby #teaching #education #politics #religion #Spain #UK #entertainment #illness#memory #Conservative #Labour #Brexit #football #school #parents #truth #bigfm

Mike Payne, an Old Anselmian,   has been a Conservative Councillor for Sowerby Bridge. He tweeted 'I engage with local people to make it an even better place to live and work in. I love all things British.'  I wanted to explore whether his influences stem from his time at St Anselm's College in Birkenhead which we both attended. What might be the commonality in our views coming from the same educational background and living in the same area of Merseyside?

Mike Payne joined me to discuss the bizarre series events taking place in the UK after Liz Truss became Prime Minister. How much longer will she remain in office? 17th October 2022

Mike Payne Discussing Recent UK Events including Queen Elizabeth 2nd and Liz Truss ...23rd September 2022

We had a very good first chat in July and subsequently we have lost Queen Elizabeth 2nd and Prince Charles now becomes King as Charles 3rd. We had a lot to catch up on and we discussed varying issues regarding the challenges now faced by Liz Truss as the successor to Boris Johnson. We covered many of the challenges she faces against a backdrop of huge international unrest caused by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia

The first podcast featured Mike Payne who I recently met over the airwaves. Here's our first chat although the intense heat in Spain gave us technical difficulties. Anselmian old boys might remember some places and faces...26th July 2022

Roger McGough from Scaffold..........Roger Joseph McGough is an English poet, performance poet, broadcaster, children's author and playwright. He presents the BBC Radio 4 programme Poetry Please, as well as performing his own poetry. McGough was one of the leading members of the Liverpool poets, a group of young poets influenced by Beat poetry and the popular music and culture of 1960s Liverpool. He is an honorary fellow of Liverpool John Moores University, fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and President of the Poetry Society. 

John Gorman from an English comic entertainer, vocalist and musician.
After attending St. Anselm's College, Gorman worked as a telecommunications engineer. He was a member of The Scaffold, best known for their 1968 hit single Lily the Pink, and its
successor the band Grimms — the 'G' in Gorman providing the 'G' in Grimms. He also
made an album for DJM Records, Go Man Gorman.

Mike McCartney from Scaffold ......Peter Michael McCartney, known professionally as Mike McGear, is an English performing artist and photographer who was a member of the groups the Scaffold and Grimms. He is the younger brother of former Beatle Paul McCartney 

Chris Wharton.....Old Anselmian and First Manager of Liverpool group The Big Three 

Living in the Sun-a programme on ITV which featured Jimbo Gaffney and a short part of the film when Jimbo came down to OCI radio to an interview with me.

Meeting Lola Gamboa - Teacher of Legal English in Spain  16 January 2023

I met Lola Gamboa via the LinkedIn platform and we had a very interesting chat about her work providing English Legal classes amongst other things. I learned about a very professional English Teacher and her interesting life in Spain. 

Lola mentors language teachers helping them develop their digital teaching. She prepares lawyers for the TOLES Legal English exam plus she trains lawyers in Client Care in English. Lola works with translators teaching them to understand  the necessary translations and she has 20 online courses for lawyers, legal translators and language teachers.

Arts Podcasts with Tom Brown

Tom Brown  is a well-respected artist and former art teacher who lives on the Costa Blanca and came to the OCI radio studios each week to present a series of great profiles of selected painters.

Salvador Dali with Tom Brown


The Turner Prize



DOWSING  especially for Healthy Eating 1st September 2022

Great radio discussion on the subject of Dowsing from my Onda Cero days.

 Most people are aware that you dowse for water BUT.....did you know that you can dowse for HEALTHY EATING and many other things. Join Joyce Kirkby, Wally, Paul Melba and Vince Tracy with Angie and Anne......   7th March 2007 

Colin Harkness Wine Connoisseur  July 2012

Great memory of meeting a Costa Blanca wine legend and the connoisseur who discovered England and Liverpool football legend Michael Owen.