Excellent Information with Ricky T!

Flying Cars now available

RickyT always bring us weird facts and today he brings us news of #flyingcars which are now available plus some weird facts regarding #microscopicmites that live on our faces #eigengrau and #petrochor


Currently, about 372 million people (around 5.7 percent of the world's population) receive artificially fluoridated water in about 24 countries, including Australia, Canada, Ireland, the US, and the UK. 

Since the 1950s, there has been relentless debate over whether there's any real reason to do this. Early conspiracy theorists declared that it was a communist plot to weaken American public health. Many have argued from a moral and ethical view that the public haven't chosen to be consuming it and so it's against individual will. 

From an economic standpoint, public money is being used on something without definitive proof of benefits. Some dentists and medical professionals have even said fluoridation of water isn't the best way to reduce tooth decay. ........................................

Pineal Gland

    In the 1990s, a British scientist, Jennifer Luke, discovered that fluoride accumulates to strikingly high levels in the pineal gland. (Luke 2001). The pineal gland is located between the two hemispheres of the brain and is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin maintains the body’s circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle), regulates the onset of puberty in females, and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals. While it is not yet known if fluoride accumulation affects pineal gland function, preliminary animal experiments found that fluoride reduced melatonin levels and shortened the time to puberty. (Luke, 1997). Based on this and other evidence, the National Research Council has stated that “fluoride is likely to cause decreased melatonin production and to have other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans” (NRC, 2006, p. 256).

The Pineal Gland Has Highest Levels of Fluoride in Body

As a calcifying tissue that is exposed to a high volume of blood flow, the pineal gland is a major target for fluoride accumulation in humans. In fact, the calcified parts of the pineal gland (hydroxyapatite crystals) contain the highest fluoride concentrations in the human body (up to 21,000 ppm F), higher than either bone or teeth.  (Luke 1997; 2001). Although the soft tissue of the pineal does not accumulate fluoride to the same extent as the calcified part, it does contain higher levels of fluoride than found than in other types of soft tissue in the body — with concentrations (~300 ppm F) that are known in other contexts to inhibit enzymes.  While the impacts of these fluoride concentrations in the pineal are not yet fully understood, studies have found that calcified deposits in the pineal are associated with decreased numbers of functioning pinealocytes and reduced melatonin production (Kunz et al., 1999) as well as impairments in the sleep-wake cycle. (Mahlberg 2009).

Fluoride and Earlier Puberty in Girls

In the United States, children are reaching the age of puberty at earlier ages than in the past — a trend that carries health consequences, including a heightened risk for breast cancer. Some evidence indicates that fluoride, via its effect on the pineal, could be a contributing cause to this trend. In animal studies, for example, fluoride exposure has been found to cause a decrease in the amount of circulating melatonin and lead to an accelerated sexual maturation in females. (Luke 1997). Similar findings have been reported in two epidemiological studies of human populations drinking fluoridated water. In the first published fluoridation safety experiment in Newburgh, New York, the authors found that girls living in a fluoridated community reached puberty five months earlier than girls living in a non-fluoridated community. (Schlesinger 1956)  Later, in 1983, Farkas reported that postmenarcheal girls were “present at younger ages in the higher fluoride town than in the low-fluoride town, although the reported median ages were the same.” 

Fluoride is a by-product of the aluminum industry. Fluoride is toxic and considered a poison if it is swallowed in the form of toothpaste and you are to contact the poison control center if the toothpaste is swallowed. Read the warning label on toothpaste.                Fluoride slows the neurotransmitters of the brain, with the most damage caused to infants who are beginning to develop brain cells. A Harvard Medical School study shows that fluoride lowers the IQ in those who ingest it. Fluoride does not reduce tooth decay when ingested.                Fluoride was first used in the drinking water of the Nazi concentration camps, because it made the prisoners docile, indifferent and easier to control. With fluoride in the water the Nazi guards could control the people with fewer guards. Would we allow mercury, arsenic or lead to be added to our water supply? Yet, we allow fluoride to build up within our bodies, and over years of drinking fluoridated water, we have become indifferent and allowed government to put us into financial debt crippling our great nation. .............When fluoride was introduced into Washington D.C. in the 1950s, government employees were offered, at taxpayer expense, bottled spring water so they would not have to drink the public water. The fluoridated water was good enough for the public, but not good enough for government employees. Did the fluoride make the people so indifferent that we allow fascism to rule over our Republic and force us into a prison planet police state that will enslave the sheeple? .........................

Electric Cars under the spotlight   8th August 2022

Is there a connection between the first Electric cars, our current scenario and the UK miners strike and all the attendant problems in the years in-between? This is a podcast in which we look to see where the dots can be joined.

Space. Is it really the Final Frontier? 1st August 2022

First we discuss the global effort aimed to accurately pinpoint the stars’ positions and movements in the night sky. The aim was to  provide a crucial navigation tool for sailors and travellers. I'll bet you don't know the names of four very special nuns Ponzoni, Colombo, Concetta, and Panceri  and their contribution to science.  We look at UFO material now acknowledged by the Pentagon and a mission to send our ashes to deepest space. By 2027 you could well take a holiday in space but then we bring you back down to earth with a bump as we discuss Flat Earth Society FC!............https://www.vincetracy.com/podcastfile/space1august2022.mp3

Forbidden Places......25th July 2022

The less we know, the more we want to know. Nowadays we can find most information we need at the click of a Google button the click of a button. Are there forbidden places in the world and do we really want to get to visit them? Our First podcast with Rikki T discusses these issues..........https://www.vincetracy.com/podcastfile/Forbiddenplaces25july2022.mp3