04 Mar

The Life and Times of Don Woods  14th November 2022

A sad Farewell to the Enigmatic Don Woods who has died and will be laid to rest on his beloved Wirral Peninsular on Friday 2nd  December 2022.   Don had always been very fit and healthy until fate struck his lungs a fateful blow about 8 weeks ago. I phoned Don early one Monday morning as was our arrangement. We loved to sit and chew the fat over the airwaves then remember an aspect of Don's songwriting. Don was struggling for breath for a few weeks before he suddenly went into hospital and here I am writing our blog after his death and subsequent funeral. As his illness progressed it became obvious that Don was feeling the loss of his wife Cynthia very deeply. It had only been a few weeks before all this happened that I had produced this podcast with Don recounting various aspects of his life and remembering how we had first met in the early days of BBC Radio at Radio Merseyside. I am still finding this a little overwhelming and the podcast will allow Don to tell you about his life and our friendship.  He was talented, successful, versatile, enigmatic and fun to be around. Thanks for the memories Don and thanks for your valued friendship. You will be missed by many people who admired your love of music, your love of Wirral and your love of Wales. Our thoughts and prayers are with Don, Don's son, Steve, and all his family and friends. RIP Vince and Anne in Spain xx

I've Seen and done it all!  Don and Diana Dors 17th October 2022

Hi Vince .... here's a few subjects for discussion.....

Our wonderful Government.....you couldn't make it up......I haven't got a clue what is going on and neither have they.

I am enjoying the women's rugby league.......great win against France....and the England men's team were brilliant.....then we have the football with Liverpool beating Man City followed by fans throwing stuff at Klopp and him getting a red card on the touchline.............the game needs sorting ... it is slowly getting out of hand....................

stupidity is also creeping into the junior game with parents attacking the referee for giving a red card etc to one of their kids.....it's a football match...that's all....mind you one town has cancelled certain games for the rest of the season because of low life behaviour....which is one answer....

 watched the TV Awards.....what a load of rubbish.....I had to laugh at the award for the best presenter with Bradley Walsh looking confident as he presents more programmes than anyone in history.......and guess who won it for the 21st consecutive time....yes...Ant and Dec.....Bradley's face was a treat......TV doesn't get much worse.

I would like to feature the Diana Dors song  this week...."I've Seen and Done it All"

Bradley Walsh Next for Prime Minister?

I find it very strange referring to our new king as King Charles ....and to hear the National anthem as God Save The King......we haven't seen a lot of him up to now but I'm sure he will find his feet.....but it's a tough act to follow.

Liverpool has been chosen to host the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in place of Ukraine.....so that should bring a few quid into the city.

Ken Bruce on Radio 2 has featured Brian Blessed as his guest and he picks his favourite records each day through the week.....what an interesting bloke.....apart from his amazing acting career he has climbed Everest amongst many other adventures....I remember him starting out in Z Cars back in the day.

I also watched a documentary soon Diana Dors which was fascinating......I wrote a song for her, which she recorded, when I was signed to a London record company back in the 70s which I have only recently heard for the first time.....watching this documentary was quite emotional as I actually spoke to her on the phone.

There is a new series coming on the T.V. called "The Larkins"....staring guess who...Bradley Walsh.....so he is now on The Chase every day...plus Blankety Blank...plus Law and Order....plus Breaking Dad (with his son)....plus Coronation Street....not to mention Dr.Who....plus hosting the Palladium...plus a string of past quiz shows.....wont be long before it's Sir Bradders.

Just when you though that Brad's diary must be full out he comes with an album of old classics.....he's not a bad singer so I thought he deserves a bit of publicity as we don't see much of him....so here is a song off his album. "Get Happy."...by Bradley Walsh and The Bradettes

What has Don Got in his Hand?  3rd October 2022

1.The heatwave and the media's attempts to scrape news from it
2.Vaping in schools is a major problem which needs to be solved according to the "desperate for news" media
3.Mo Farrah reveals the truth about himself

4.BBC's blanket coverage of sport....the ladies football.....Athletics.....Open Golf highlights.......it may be me but I feel sport is losing its way.
5.For the song section this week I would like to illustrate what I have always said.....music doesn't have to be clever...it has to be appealing .....therefore I would like to go back to a song which kept Midge Ure's "Vienna" off the top of the charts.......whereas Vienna probably cost millions to produce this one probably cost a fiver......it is the classic "Shaddup-a-you Face" by Joe Dolce

The Shortest Song in the World  Don Woods 12th June 2022

Complaints about the coverage of the Jubilee

Complaints about little Prince George's behaviour

Petrol prices still on the rise but apparently 

Boris's Xmas party is still more important

Cliff Richard pushing for new laws to protect those accused of sexual offences until after the case....go Cliff!

!It is now DOCTOR Sir Ringo

A move to issue fines to New Zealand farmers for the release of methane from their sheep and cows

The week's worst record selection..... The Shortest Song In The World....by Duncan Reid and The Big Heads

I'm in Love with Your Body! .......Don's thoughts on this and other topics!

1.The Queen's Jubilee

2.Archbishop of Canterbury asking whether we should be more forgiving....and mentioning Prince Andrew

3.Is it right that prisoners should be shouted at?

4.Wrexham's failed bid to be the Capital of Culture....which was won by Bradford.

5.Should we go back to imperial measurement instead of metric?

6.My answers to cancelled flights and overpriced eating and drinking out.

7.Modern dance music belongs in night clubs not on "mature" radio.....an example is a song I had to suffer on my car radio on a recent long drive.....I switched the radio off after a few minutes ...I would suggest you do the same....the song is "I'm in love with your body"....by Ed Sheeran.......the record has zero production and I've estimated must have cost about 2 quid to make.....I would like to suggest this as my weekly worst record choice.....I know millions would disagree as he is very popular...I might have liked him when I was 13....but probably not.

..They're Coming to take Don Away! 30th May 2022

After facing the pandemonium of cancelled flights and police tear gas outside the stadium the Liverpool fans were left with a hard to to take defeat in the Euro final.....some even hired a speedboat to get there....a bit of a damp squib to end the season on with a game they tactically should have won...and would have done had the Spanish goalie not played a blinder.

Boris and his Christmas party is still headline news....will we ever move on?.....and there's nothing more annoying than someone shouting to the Prime Minister as he walks to his car "Are you going to resign Prime Minister?"....which Boris rightly ignores.....and it would make a nice change if the Labour Party actually came up with something constructive instead of constantly criticising the Government.

Also the horrific shooting of school kids in America has had blanket coverage on the news.....it is difficult for people who live in countries where guns are illegal to comprehend the American viewpoint.

The rolling headlines underneath the BBC News bulletins went slightly wrong.....they were (apparently) training someone on how it's done and he typed in "Manchester United are rubbish" which accidentally came up on the screen as the news was being read......the BBC have apologised.

I watched documentary on the 40 years of ABBA since they packed up....very interesting and quite tragic in parts.Prices of everything continue to rise for no real apparent reason....a pal of mine uses a car wash each week and the cost has gone up by £4......."because they can't get the chemicals".....soap and water isn't it?....and with cups of tea costing at least £2.50 it is cheaper to drink Diesel.....

This week's worst song selection....They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha Ha.....by Sloppy Jane....almost as bad as Yoko Ono.

Sloppy Jane is an American avant-garde rock band fronted by Haley Dahl. The band released their breakthrough second studio album Madison in 2021, through Saddest Factory Records, an imprint owned by their former bassist Phoebe Bridgers. Dahl is known for her eccentric performance art style which sometimes includes nudity

What If?  Join Vince and Don discussing Don's News Items  23rd May 2022

Hi Vince....here's this week's subjects....the song was a good find...I remember it well.  you will find it on Spotify or YouTube ...BUT make sure it is by Dina Garipova as there are a few different songs with the same title......."What If" by Dina Garipova.

Packaging.....why is everything you buy so hard to open without a road drill?

The footballer coming out as gay has hit the news....this aint news...who cares?...on his money he should learn to ignore abuse from morons.

Prince William and the national anthem was booed at the cup final.....and as always the small handful of boneheads get maximum publicity from the media who continue to scrape the barrel for "news".

And still on the Royalty front...Charles and Camilla will be appearing in East Enders which defies comment.

The 4 hours of the Eurovision also received another shed load on the news which brought in many complaints to the BBC who as usual "felt they got it right"

Along with Speke Airport becoming The John Lennon Airport we now have a ferry terminal on the Mersey being named The Gerry Marsden Terminal....what next the Ringo Star Yellow Submarine....sorry...SIR Ringo.

The couple who won 180 million on the lottery have been squirting champagne everywhere on the news.....big mistake in my opinion.

This weeks song is very interesting......it is called "What If" and is sung by a young lady called Dina Garipova....it asks the question as to what a better world it would be if we opened our arms to each other, came together as one and and buried our guns...it was Russia's 2013  Eurovision entry....seems a shame they don't listen to their songs.

She taught me to Yodel  16th May 2022

Hi Vince....a few subjects to entertain our listeners.....l

 I watched the FA Cup final which is a couple of hours I wont get back....I've seen better games in the local park

.I had one too many pints during the Cup Final (to ease the boredom) and fell asleep during the Eurovision Song Contest....I woke up at the start of the results with Graham Norton talking over the presenters....someone should have put a gag on him.....I was glad that Ukraine won which showed that the world are behind them.....we came second which made a change.

Kier Stermer's pathetic attempt at "integrity"was a joke and an insult to our intelligence.

Prince Charles carrying out the Queen's Speech with a ton of medals on his tunic and a massive sword he had to keep off the ground....he looked like a cartoon.

A potrait of Marilyn Monroe by Andy Waholwhich has sold for 195 million dollars....I think the expression is "more money than sense"

There is a  new format of "The Chase" which is well past it's sell by date.....so Bradley is still everywhere you look.Packaging.....some things are impossible to get into without a road drill.

This week's bad record is one from the distant past.....it's by Frank Ifield who had three consecutive number ones back in the day....however although this song was a hit the more you hear it the more irritating it gets......it is called "She Taught Me To Yodel" by Frank Ifield.

This Pullover...Don Woods 9th May 2022

We have just been subjected to the local elections with blanket TV coverage....personally I couldn't be less interested.....with BBC reporters being sent all over the country by planes and trains to do interviews in the street....well worth my licence fee.....I don't think.

Then we have the big build up to Susanna Reid interviewing Boris `Johnson....which is the first interview he has done on ITV in 5 years....I switched it off half way through.....the only way it could have been worse was if Piers Morgan had interviewed him.

After Kier Starmer has been going on and on and on about the Boris Xmas party....he is now being investigated for a similar "offence" a year ago.....and THIS is news.....it's like a bunch of school kids.

I'm delighted for BP and Shell after they announced the billions they have made in profits....of course they have made billions...they have been ripping us off for years.....the rich get richer......diesel is £1.74 a litre which in real terms is £7 a gallon....it's a joke.

And on the subject of rip offs....there has been many complaints from football fans over the price of tickets....apparently you can pay 100 quid to watch the cup final at Wembley....which doesn't include your travel etc....OR you can watch it on the telly for nothing.....I understand the overpowering loyalty of fans but to me it's just a football match...that's all....and you are not FORCED into being ripped off.......the answer is simple...don't go...and watch the prices amazingly come down.

Prince Charles has been briefly appearing on the news at various events.....someone should tell his royal highness that the big brown overcoat he wears is not cool.....it belongs in world war 1.......and we understand that Harry and Andrew will not be appearing on the royal balcony as they are no longer members of the family....or something.

Worst record of the week features Jess Conrad's Bad Jumper

Scouts of the World   Don Woods 2nd May 2022

The recent dry weather will cause possible problems....forest fires...draught  etc etc......same thing at the same time every year.

Boris Becker is off to jail because of undeclared assets....Bankrupt Boris has got 2 years.....the price of fame

.Porn in Parliament...M.P. Neil Parish has been a naughty boy....or so it seems.

A D.J. called Westwood who works on Capital Radio (I think) has been accused of sexual misbehaviour by a few women which he has strenuously denied....but of course he must be guilty because the media say so.......yet another witch hunt

And more job justification....some nameless genius has come up with an idea to stop child obesity....apparently a suggestion has been made to take sugary breakfast cereals off the front of the shelves in supermarkets....because they obviously "force" shoppers to buy them....so Frosties have to go to the back of the shelf.....this has gone down well with the manufacturers of these products as you can imagine

.Who killed Freddie Mills?....a very interesting documentary I watched recently.

There has been an increase in the number of cubs and scouts and youngsters are having a good time....many years ago I was commissioned to write a song about the scout movement which actually began in one of our local parks..Arrowe Park....so I came up with "Scouts Of The World" and got my then 8 year old son to sing it (he is now 43).....I eventually sent it to the Scout Association who took it on......recently I got an Email from a local scout group asking me if they could sing it at a local jamboree....so I would like to feature it in this weeks music spot....Scouts of The World...sung by Stephen Woods.

Walk Don't Run with Don and Vince 25th April 2022

The news is still going on about Boris Johnson's Xmas party.....all this is doing now is giving no mark M.P.s the opportunity to get their faces on TV all saying the same thing with none of them coming up with any alternative solutions.....definitely time to MOVE ON.

The easiest job in the world is be a critic or a football pundit....we have professional film critics who grace us with their opinions....and pundits who sit round a table and discuss a match we have just watched....and get highly paid for doing so....talk about easy money.....and this comes out of our TV licence....which will no doubt soon go up because of the shortage of oil or something equally as stupid.

Main roads are being altered to include wide cycle lanes.....how long before the accidents start?....not to mention idiots on electric bikes.

The local council's latest brilliant idea is to increase the charge of emptying your garden waste bin from 35 pounds to 50 pounds a year which hasn't gone down too well with our ratepayers.....as the said bins are only emptied every two weeks and don't require emptying during the winter.... are they having a laugh.......what will obviously happen is folk will fly tip their grass all over the place.....the council complain that they are short of money...try checking out the salaries of some of the bosses who are surplus to requirements.

We have a terrible war going on but 17 minutes of space is required on the BBC News to watch Johnny Depp mumbling away in court with his marital problems...WHO CARES?............... put him on my list.I watched another episode of the Jimmy Saville scandal......which left me totally baffled......he walks around with this huge cigar in his mouth....takes it out and mutters a load of nonsense...and shoves it back in his mouth....they could find no evidence of his alleged sexual misconduct until he died....then we get 400 accusers coming out of the woodwork.....to me the bloke was a total nut case.

A film called "The Magnet" has recently been on the telly....it was made in 1951 and stars James `Fox as a young lad and was filmed in and around Wallasey on Merseyside where I was born......it was fascinating to see how the area has changed since I was a six year old.....great film.

This week...for a change...instead of choosing some of the worst records ever made I would like to treat you to the best instrumental ever made....it dates back to the fifties and I still never tire of hearing it....a masterpiece....it is by The Ventures and is called "Walk Don't Run"......

The Brucie Bonus 18th April 2022

Here's next weeks subjects....

.1. The John Leslie trials by media.....Leslie was found innocent of any sexual wrongdoing after past accusations from various women,,,yet no-one seems to stand trial for these false accusations after ruining lhis life.  2.The rail strike over Easter by conductors isn't going down too well  3. The so called shortage of oil has given everyone an excuse to rip us all off...the ridiculous price of beer...and even a cup of tea.4. Apparently there is a move afoot in France to make men avoiding housework a criminal offence.....the conversation in the kitchen would be interesting after the court case. 5. Michael Fabricant the Lichfield M.P. has come under fire for supporting Boris over his Xmas parties....Mike has said teachers and nurses were doing the same thing....which has gone down well....then there is his hair (or is it his hair?)I find it mildly amusing when blokes of a certain age take the "character route"....especially M.P.s    6. I watched a documentary on Kathy Kirby....she was a big star back in the day but became a victim of fame   7. This week's bad record.  "Didn't He Do Well" by Bruce Forsyth...Brucie was a very talented showbiz personality but should have avoided this song.

PRESS RELEASE - April 2022
The Birth of The Beatles Story’ Book Launch
The original founders of The Beatles Story, Liverpool’s leading Beatles’ Museum, Mike and Bernadette Byrne, who opened the popular attraction 32 years ago on 1st May 1990, are launching a new book recounting the journey of the birth of the award-winning attraction and their personal relationship with The Beatles. The authors of ‘The Birth of the Beatles Story’ are Bernadette Farrell, a Cavern regular who went on to date both George and Paul, and Mike Byrne, a fellow Merseybeat musician and acquaintance of The Beatles. This is the story of their amazing and uniquely personal journey. They not only witnessed music history being made but they went on to build The Beatles Story, which has become the most successful Beatles’ exhibition in the world.
They achieved this when tourism in Liverpool was very different to what it is today. The city was in decline and the local attitude to The Beatles was that they had abandoned their birthplace. Only a small minority of people believed in the potential of The Beatles as a tourist attraction. With little experience, no money of their own, and hardly any support from the city, they succeeded in realising their dream.
Mike says: “It was great to be in a group in Liverpool at the same time as the Beatles and witness their phenomenal rise to fame, while playing the same clubs as them.  It was a time of hope and excitement! An unusual set of events in the 80s resulted in me managing Beatle City and taking it to America where my eyes were opened to the real potential of Beatles tourism. Coming back to a city without its own permanent Beatles’ attraction made no sense. In the face of so much local apathy, we decided we would have to build it ourselves.”
The book, which will be launched to celebrate The Beatles Story’s 32nd anniversary on 1st May 2022, is littered with never-before-told stories giving a personal insight into the world of The Beatles before they became famous. Mike and Bernie tell the tale of their ambitious business dream that was inextricably linked to The Beatles, resulting in the opening of a unique attraction offering an alternative experience into the story of the world’s greatest band.   Featuring personal memories such as Bernie being caught with her hair in rollers by George Harrison, and Mike being backed by a 21-year-old Ringo while playing at Butlins Holiday Camp to escaping screaming fans in George Harrison's car and secret meetings with senior Beatles’ bosses in a London crypt, the book is packed with unseen pictures and untold stories and how a local couple helped Liverpool fall in love with the Beatles again.
Bernie says: “Having been a regular on the Merseybeat scene in my teenage years, and getting to know the Beatles quite well, I went on to become one of the first official Beatles guides in the 80s. This opened my eyes to the enduring popularity of The Beatles and eventually, in the early 90s, we felt compelled to fill the gap in Liverpool’s tourism offering by creating a permanent tribute for fans.”
The book will be released on May 1st, 2022, the 32nd Anniversary of the opening of The Beatles Story Experience in Liverpool. It’s a hard-back, coffee table book full of rare and magnificent images. To celebrate the launch, The Beatles Story will host a free-to-attend event on May 1st, where visitors are invited to find out more about Mike and Bernie’s personal journey and to get involved in a Q&A session with copies of the book signed by the authors available to purchase. Taking place in The Beatles Story’s atmospheric Fab4 Café at the Royal Albert Dock between 1pm to 3pm, the event will give visitors a rare insight into the history of the world’s largest permanent exhibition devoted to the lives and times of The Beatles. The session will be hosted by BBC 6 Music’s Matt Everitt followed by a Q&A and book signing with Mike and Bernie. Places at the event are limited - to join this free-to-attend session, book online at beatlesstory.com. The authors are also available on alternative dates for interview, signings and reviews. Additional images are available. Publisher: New Haven Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781912587667
Dimensions: 280 x 216 mm Price GBP 24.99 In stock at Gardners Books

Media Contact Details: Enquiries relating to the book, reviews and/or Mike and Bernie – please contact Ali Rodd: thebirthofthebeatlesstorybook@gmail.com For enquires about The Beatles Story, interview requests, additional information, and images: masongriffiths@beatlesstory.com

Join @donwoods and @VinceTracy discussing  

.Harry Biilinge...D-Day survivor sadly passed away aged
96...spent his life raising money for a D-Day monument on the
Normandy coast....a great man and a REAL knight of the realm.

2.Kinder eggs have been recalled over a salmonella scare....just
in time for Easter

3.The multi talentless Ant and Dec have won ANOTHER BAFTA
for their Sa'aday Night tirkawir...which says it all.

4.Will Smith is still making the news as he has been given a 10
year ban from the Oscars;...who cares?...I only wish it had been
Tyson F
ury on the end of his slap....that would have been worth
watching....no more red carpet for him.

5.The Grand National is in town....I can't control my excitement

6.If you play Monty Listers jingle about all the places he has been
I can give you some anecdotes of some of my adventures with

7 .Worst ever song by Peter Cook is Lovely Lady of the roses

David Alexander-The Working Man    4th April 2022

1. Eco Activists and the guy who stuck his hand to the radio studio mic
2. Fake Everton Replica Shirts!
3. Holiday 'getaway' trafffic jams......how do we enjoy sitting in traffic
4. BBC Giving away Plastic Toys with their publications
5 The Boat Race-How exciting is that?

Hundreds of spectators gathered under sunny skies along the River
Thames in London for the annual university boat race, as weather
forecasters predicted a 'fine Sunday' following a noticeably chilly start to
April. ...............

6. Urban Seagulls.

7. The Story of one of Don's Jingles. This week....What Have I got in my

8. We discuss the life and times of a great Welsh singer called David
Alexander and this takes us nicely to Wales, singing and the story of
Coal in the UK.

Great song this week by David Alexander called The Working

Great weekly Podcast

Was Yoko Ono's Music Really That Bad?  28th March 2022

Hi Vince....here's some topics for Monday....I've included some of the
stuff lost in the clouds last week Items for discussion

The P & O sackings with one days notice have been headline news

Gareth Bale being heavily criticised for making more effort playing for
his country than he did playing for his Spanish team....and his
re-action....(Back in the day Jasper Carrot had the answer to HIS critics)

Rock Til We Drop ...the final at the Isle of Wight Festival with local lad
Arty Davies

The documentary on Tom Jones at 80

The documentary on John Lennon called Imagine

Bill Wyman's marriage and selection of relatives he acquired.

Worst record spot....It's Gonna Rain by Yoko Ono....pass me those ear

I'm a Busy Bee  Podcast 21st March 2022

Hi Vince here's a few subjects to chew over....I've got some good input.
First the blanket coverage of the war is getting criticised.....and the showing of information which would be of use to the Russians

.The P & O fiasco with the sacking of 800 employees without notice

The ridiculous price of petrol and beer....rip offs only last a short time

Two TV programmes ....Tom Jones at 80.....John Lennon Imagine

Michael Portillo's railway journey to Holyhead.

Bill Wyman's past wedding.

Us older folk complain a lot about modern music.....however this is an example of what we had back then.....The Bee Song by Arthur Askey.

Rock Til We Drop  Podcast: 14th March 2022

Here's what Don and I discussed on this week's podcast.

The TV Programme "Rock Til We Drop" which features selection of musicians between the ages of 65 to 85 chosen to form a band to perform at the Isle of Wight Festival.

Dodgy children's programmes from the past....e.g. Captain Puigwash....how did they get away with it?  Cookery programmes.....and the ridiculous "presentation" of food.....and the price of a pint is more than my first weekly pay packet.............and the price of private dental check ups!........ 

A recent item on the unbelievable conditions Miners had to work under back in the day...and we go on about slavery. Charles Darwin's birthplace in Shrewsbury....fascinating.
 Tina Turner concert in 2000....as good as it gets....the best concert I have ever seen...and on the exact opposite of the spectrum...."Please Please Please Let me get what I want" sung by Morrisey. and The Smiths...a perfect example of a decent band who definitely need a replacement singer. Nice band hand arrangement until Morrisey sings...................... https://www.vincetracy.com/podcastfile/donwoods14march2022.mp3 

Podcast 7th March More than the Streets of London

@donwoods and @vincetracy discussed #ShaneWarne #Cricket #JimLaker #Athletics #Education #Sport #Philosophy #Wirral #Wallasey #School #SirRogerBannister #SebastianCoe #Music #Bands #Groups #SpandauBallet #TheFloralPavilion #RalphMcTell #Cornwall 

These were the topics headlining our podcast topics this week and the conversation leads from our earliest school days to many interesting developments in later life.

Hi Vince....here's some items for discussion

Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice filled 20 minutes of the news with their
usual scaremongering.

Then we have Prince Andrews "settlement" with the girl he has never
met....I hope they check whether all those millions go to charity and not
into the poor "abused" young lady's purse

Then we have Charles whose charity is under investigation regarding
"cash for honours".....I can't see the problem if the cash goes to his

Tom Daley has run and cycled all over the place "for charity"....what is
the point?

I remember real storms when we were joined buy the tide at a local gig
back in 1980.

The Winter Olympics.has not exactly been successful for the U.K.
athletes....but it's O.K....it only cost 24 million to get them out there.

This week I would like to discuss a song from back in the 50s and why I
think it is a classic compared to a lot of the stuff we have had to endure
since....the song is "Lipstick on your collar" by Connie Francis....I will
explain why this song fills all the boxes of greatness.


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