Was BBC Radio One a Mistake? discussed with Matt King 3rd March 2025
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #weather #radioone #bbc #radioluxembourg #americanforcesnetwork #brittany #songs #ai #anarchy #personalitydj #pirateradio #politics #education #socialmedia #control #family
Important Aspects of Colour discussed with Matt King 24th February 2025
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #caterpillars #hunters #rugby #weather #allblacks #england #black #white #red #blue #yellow #green #cars #insurance #ferrari #tories #labour #politics #culture #culturalhegemony #betting #boys #girls #colourblind #warmth #anger #yellow #seeking #luschercolourtest
Is the Truth important? with Matt King 17th February 2025
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #health #weather #flu #socialmedia #google #ai #truth #trust #teachers #politics #politicians #cv #jesus #christianity #lawyers #law #banks #computers #netflix
The True Value of Sport with Matt King 10th February 2025
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed the true value of teaching, learning and playing sport including #teamwork #rules #authority #skills #cheating #bullying #injury #teaching #rugby #judo #drugs #england #france #ireland #wales #scotland #italy #money #technology #media #advertising #sponsorship #pressure #recovery #soapoperas
Does Your Appearance Matter? with Matt King 3rd February 2025
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #rolemodel #parents #mother #father #siblings #school #teacher #judo #teachers #sportsstars #popstars #work #job #supervisors #colleagues #partner #marriage #manners #education #imitation #values #hardwork #respect
AI Response
Does appearance matter? Yes, appearance can count in various contexts. In social situations, first impressions often rely on how someone looks, which can influence perceptions and interactions. In professional settings, appropriate appearance might impact hiring decisions or promotions. Additionally, cultural norms can shape how appearance is valued. However, it's important to remember that skills, personality, and character also play significant roles in relationships and opportunities. Ultimately, while appearance can have an impact, it is just one of many factors that contribute to how individuals are perceived and treated.
The Reliance on Electricity with Matt King 27th January 2025
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #electricity #franklin #faraday #static #current #alternate #generator #physics #education #lightning #vision #gas #bulbs #lightingshops #fluorescent #tubes #discos #gaspoints #candles #filaments #pylons #generators #egypt #knowledge #control #water #ink #pencil #pen #biro #cables #telephones
Progress or Tradition?-You Choose with Matt King 20th January 2025
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #progress ####tradition #values #morals #music #traditions #internet #judgements #facts #hegemony #arrangedmarriage #russia #innovation #ages #stages #piaget #family #courtship #religions #thepill
Manners Maketh Man with Matt King 13th January 2025
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #manners #etiquette #politeness #spain #uk #japan #vat #appropriate #adhd #parliament #specialneeds #parents #playschool #rebels #televsion #thesoaps #restaurants #stafftraining #behaviour #home #school #parents #teachers #nannystate #hegemony
Seeking Answers with Matt King 6th January 2025
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #experience #internet #socialmedia #media #discipline #respect #ai #hate #birthcertificate #uniform #responsibility #the soaps #computers #popmusic #radio #discjockeys #politicians #behaviour #home #school #parents #teachers #rape #morals #piaget #religion #language #history #science #language #Christmas #birth #education #uk #spain #nannystate #hegemony #gramsci
Where is Basic Education Failing? with Matt King 30th December 2024
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #behaviour #home #school #parents #teachers #rape #morals #sexeducation #consequences #giftoflife #piaget #religion #language #history #science #language #classsize #Christmas #birth #education curriculum #uk #spain #adhd #food #nannystate #hegemony
Father Christmas-Friend or Foe?
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #Christmas #birth #santa #sinterklaas #thepuritans#saintnikolas #religion #manger #grotto #sledge #reindeer #church #presents #marketing #dutch #happyholidays #control #jesuschrist #God #churchofengland
What is Truth? with Matt King 16th December 2024
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #Christmas #birth #truth #question #history #thebible #doubt #history #video #var #parents #whitelies #morality #maturity #ai #artificialintelligence #belief #judges #legal #authenticate #reporters #journalist #enochpowell #christmas #parents #life #children #family #working #teachers #drugs #power #education #technology #culture #hegemony
The Implications of Debt with Matt King 9th December 2024
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #Christmas #birth #christmas #debt#money #gratitude #parents #life #children #family #working #teachers #nationaldebt #economics #internationaldebt #drugs #cash #cashless #power #mortgage #loans #business #debtcollectors #education #responsibilty #tv #technology #culture #hegemony
The True Meaning of Christmas with Matt King 2nd December 2024
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #Christmas #Christ #Bethlehem #Rome #Christianity #Holydays #Holidays #Marketing #Media #TV #Nativity #Nativityplays #Church #religion #God #Belief #Puritans #testtube #bbbies #thedevil #Christmastrees #TheRestoration
How Childhood Memories are Changing with Matt King 25th November 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #childhood #uk #britain #war #weather television #radio #media #rental #food #eating #tablemanners #prayers #gracebeforemeals #church #primaryschool #siblings #bullies #rules #planes #airtraffic #pollution #memories #discipline #respect
The Philosophy of Toys with Matt King 18th November 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #montessori #theory #academic #dinky #lego #meccano #hornby #radiocars #chopperbikes #christmas #actionman #guns #dolls #kitchens #tv #dens #community #spain #phones #skateboards #bmx #toyboys #golliwog
Trying to Understand Climate with Matt King 11th November 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #valencia #flood #weapons geoengineering #frequencies #cloudseeding #god #research #military #usa #paris #london #venice #cloudburst #hurricanes #weather #dana #spain #emergencyservices #radio #media #counselling #insurance #mud #infrastructure
The Tragedy of Valencia 4th November 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #valencia #flood #barranca ##dana #spain #paiporta #emergencyservices #radio #media #wood #construction #king #queen #royalty #counselling #insurance #mud #infrastructure #outskirts #community #family
A Look at Our Influencers with Matt King 28th October 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #influencers ##likes #followers #marketing #sheep #sport #cheats #drugs #meat #milk #steroids #judo #evangelical #hydepark #speakerscorner #curch #radio #dj #builder #teachers #students #spain
All You Need is Love with Matt King 21st October 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #love #beatles #songs #emotions #passion #affection #socialmedia #education #sex #neighbour #squatter #commandments #angling #psychologists #arrangedmarriages #asian #addiction #loveatfirstsight #hate #family #parents #school #church #religion #values #teachers
Learning to Eat with Matt King 14th October 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #food #weather #autumn #schoolmeals #france #budget #chef #preparation #gratitude #pollution #michelinstars #breastfeeding #education #health #nutrition #infants #cognitive #behaviour #preference #weight #obesity #salt #alcohol #carvery #waste #greed #allergy #spain #family #parents #school
Woman-The Fairer Sex? with Matt King 7th October 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #fairness #weather#looks #appearance #beauty #role #gender #equality #gramsci #ideology #religion #suffragettes #preschool #playschool #rules #roles #politicians #education #experience #family #parents #school #church #religion #values #teachers
Educating the Children with Matt King 30th September 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #family #parents #school #church #religion #values #teachers #teachertraining #pottytraining #certificates #qualifications #ai #artificialintelligence #control#discipline #respect #christian #orwellian #respect #adhd #ritalin
Finding Inspiration with Matt King 23rd September 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #inspiration ##parents #mum #dad #jesus #christ #wife #husband #judo #teachers #poetry #russia #church #buildings
The Institution of Marriage with Matt King 17th September 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #weather #income #breadwinner #money #family #commandments #bible #fertilization #birth #life #marriage #england
This is Really What's Happening with Matt King 11th September 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #agenda2030 #antoniogramsci #universalgoals #ai #artificialintelligence #people #planet #prosperity #peace #partnership #un #internationallaw #electriccars #spiritual #georgeorwell #society #followthemoney
The Root of our Problems with Matt King 3rd September 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #work #leisure #workingclass #ai #artificialintelligence #antoniogramsci #italy #educations #academics #concepts #institutions #international #culture #politics #hegemony #greek #criticalthinking #feminism #dominance #freetrade #goldstandard
Do We Really Need a Drink? with Matt King 25th August 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #drink #alcohol #cocktails #spirits #filter #water #coffee #calgon #heat #socialising #education #teachers #animals #pints #litres #violence #bouncers #designerdrugs #law #bloodpressure #health #law #lawyers
The Value of Taking a Break with Matt King 14th August 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #work #leisure #professional #amateur #travel #tourism #camping #language #countries #retirement #jubilado #visitingfriendsandrelatives #oil #tankers #australia #skoong #telephones #uk #trains #buses #workethic
Unexplained Mysteries with Matt King 6th August 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #usscyclops #bermudatriangle #flight19 #ussmarinesulfurqueen #sselfaro #voywich #pyramids #egypt #pharoahs #hieroglyphics #stonehenge #nazcalines #peru #machupichu #oakislandpit #novascotia #alaska #wowsignal #taoshum #moonlanding #tunguska #greenpit
The Dangers of Globalisation with Matt King 30th July 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #globalisation #thesilkroute #geopolitics #weather #thelastsupper #gender #theolympiccommittee #billgates #who #wef #thefamily #communism #microsoft #batteries #trade #money #crypto #yaleglobal #thefuture #disease #religion #christianity #profanity #borisjohnson #teachers #education
Such a Young Visionary with Matt King 23rd July 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #temperature #climatachange #activism #juststopoil #gretathunberg #sweden #water #rain #thesun #wef #who #un #klausschwab #dsvidatennborough #seville #hightemperature #netflix #madrid #religion #music #solarpanels #tv #agendas #media #cloudseeding #hacks
Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum with Matt King 16th July 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #wef #worldeconomicforum #klausschwab #nongovernmental #fourthindustrialrevolution #business #political #academic #agendas #agenda2030 #ai #robots #crypto #humanitarian #youth #davos #europeanmanagementforum #gongs #salaries
The World Health Organisation in Focus with Matt King 9th July 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #who #whorldhealthorganisation #billgates #billgatesfoundation #malaria #polio #smallpox #aids #tropicaldiseases #russia #ussr #penicillin #ebola #vaccinations #sex #religiouseducation #sexeducation #tubercolosis #vulnerable #aids #missionaries
To Genetically or Not Genetically Modify? That is the Question! with Matt King 2nd July 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #thenewstatesman #billgates #genetics #dna #madcowdisease #allergies #cancer #supermarkets #profits #populationcontrol #disease #science #clairvoyance #agenda2030 #water #reservoirs #climate #climatechange #chemtrails #victorian #fish #estrogen #breeding #spacetravel #farmers #business #sustainability #nutrition
Life Before Computers with Matt King 25th June 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #babbage #leverbrothers #portsunlight #computers #climbing #playing #playstreets #apple #atari #mathmatics #swimming #parks #adhd #predictivetexts #library #scouts #spreadsheets #exams #learning #ai #artificialintelligence #education #reading #spelling #sheep #sheeple #love #pgtips #yinyang
How Can We All Be Equal? with Matt King 19th June 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #authoritarian #totalitarian #ideology #politics #left #right #wealth #communism #gromsci #poverty #orwell #animalfarm #sociology #brain #righthemisphere #leftside #english #catholicism #jobs #competition #military #thatcher #russia #enochpowell #eu #tax
How we use our Voices with Matt King 11th June 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #voice #vocalchords #speech #enunciation #whisper #volume #loud #authoritatve #male #female #adamsapple #presenters chairperson #sound #performance #hearing #hearingloss #hearingaids #UK #parliament #manners #listeningskills #opinion #discussion #swearing #var #attention #payingattention #media #news
The Subtlety of Advertising with Matt King 4th June 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #news #advertising #television #blackrock #vanguard #marketing #subminal #agencies #soaps #agenda2030 #newspapers #magazines #budgets #itv #blackarts #reform #subliminal #publicserviceinformation #language #writtenword #spokenword
Talking Hospitals with Matt King 28th May 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #surgery #nhs #spain #uk #franco #vocations #doctors #nurses #auxiliaries #cleaners #ambulance #parking #pay #CEO #matron #administrative #juniordoctors #strikes #bugets #politics #ministers #reception #security #orderlies #patients #visitors
Humanity is Under Attack with Matt King 21st May 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #sex #gender #ideology #procreation #education #culturaldifferences #cradletograve #labour #socialism #communism #sapitalism #specialneeds TheGuardian #covid #humanrights #marriage #robots #AI #politicians #woke #genicide #armaments
Appropriate Language with Matt King 13th May 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #language #french #latin #human #communication #structured #conventional #speech #writing #song #discipline #respect #eurovision #political #childhood #adverts #television #internet #wedding #christening #funeral #christianity #vocabulary #inappropriate #school #bbc #television #beard #familiarity #bodylanguage #######
Practising Gratitude with Matt King 7th May 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #parents #mums #mothers #teachers #education #service #customerservice #police #emergencyservices #ambulance #hospital #church #religion #food #water #farming #farmers #labours #children #schools #media #tv #radio #playstations
The Importance of Play with Matt King 30th April 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #weather #play #playschool
#company #socialskills #teachers #learners #preschool #nurseries #piaget #learning #earlyyears #instruments #penas #guitar #sports #rugby #animalworld #parks #safety #bullying #time #bonding
The Relevance of Britain's Got Talent with Matt King 23rd April 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #bgt #talent #Britainsgottalent #hughiegreen #opportunityknocks #simoncowell #thepanel #acrobats #dancetroupes #antanddec #woke #agents #globalfranchise #newfaces #starsintheireyes #news #mediacontrol
Learning to Lose with Matt King 16th April 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #water #fire #possessions #pools #wateringplants#teaching #learning #value #values #losing #finding #weight #steroids #internet #memory #temper #photo #friends #confidence #sight #hearing #smell #senses #culture #history
Does Swearing Matter? with Matt King 9th April 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #bbc #swearing #profanity #obscenity #cartoons #tv #technology #music #vanguard #blackrock #morals #morality #teachers #choldren #technology
The Relevance and Importance of Easter with Matt King 2nd April 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #Easter #HolyWeek #SemanaSanta #GoodFriday #MaundayThursday #thescientificdeathofjesus #religion #politics #behaviour #jewish #passover #Cordoba #Spain #PassionPlays #Moses #Egypt #EmperorConstantine #Rome #education #news #tv #programming #Judaism #christianity #thetencommandments #HouseofLords #thelastsupper
The Value of Trust with Matt King 26th March 2024
#trust #faith #religion #apirituality #parents #teachers #children #innocence #pets #honesty #truth #impartiality #media #BBC #politicians #value #truth #professions #banks #lawyers #love #church #ministers #good #evil #business #expertise #training #literacy #numeracy #god #belief
The True Value of Literacy and Numeracy
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #birth #infancy #nursery #education #school #teachers #brain #communicating #development #agesandstages #spelling #barter #trade #measuring #estimating #cost #value #messages #comprehension #knowledge #technology #politicians #budgets #decisions #priorities #curriculum #nationalcurriculum #agenda #eu #spain #UK #brexit #literacy #numeracy #literate #handwriting #prescriptions #responsibilities
Joy discussed with Matt King 12th March 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #birth #nature #pets #babies #pregnancy #events #family #business #state #sports #rugby #England #Ireland #travel #costablanca #Spain #UK #teachers #royalty #responsibilty
Having a Routine discussed with Matt King 6th March 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #family #babies #routine #values #rrugby #judo #training #commerce #schools #assembly #prayers #discipline #animals #upbringing #objectives #health
Revenge discussed with Matt King 27th February 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #revenge #retribution #avenge #children #nature #nurture #play #fight #cheat #courting #selfish #psychology #parents #tolemodel #possessions #possessive #leadership #roadrage #education #morals #money #control #business #drugs #religion
Agenda 2030 Investigated with Matt King 20th February 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #agenda2030 #humanrights #memberstates #developmentgoals #inequality #people #prosperity #planet #peace #un #secretarygeneral
The Price of Freedom with Matt King 13th February 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #freedom #speech #worship #want #fear #dictator #war #ideology #frenchrevolution #russianrevoltion #family #internet #cashless #creditcards #alexa #china #unitednations #agenda2030 #taxes #masks #doctors #medicine #gender
Keeping Pets discussed by Matt King 6th February 2012
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #pets #dogs #cats #injuries #vetbills #responsibility #bulldog #training #XLbulldogs #crossbreeding #hybrid #personality #parrots #stroking #snakes #spiders #parrots #budgies #horses
The Rise of Social Media with Matt King 30th January 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #computer #technology #space #theuniverse #socialmedia #google #stoned #virus #control #wysiwyg #subliminal #telephone #eyesight #voice #algorhythms #covid #WEF #farming #friendsreunited #facebook #microsoft #scams #cons #TikTok #AI #humanity #news #edit #influence
A Fair Price with Matt King 23rd January 2024
#fairprice #price #morals #control #values #parents #career #ahopping #cashless #cards #pharmacies #inflation #London #weightingallowance #agenda2030 #greatreset #houses #cars #food #tipping #minimumwage #wars #electriccars #production #priorities #budgets #politicians #UK #Spain
Vive La Difference with Matt King 16th January 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #gender #male #female #education #parents #mother #father #religion #primaryschool #secondaryschool #grammarschool #religiouseducation #telelvision #socialmedia #wars #population #childbirth #giftoflife #puberty
On Being Rich with Matt King 9th January 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #health #money #memories #education #parents #gratitude #positivity #disabilry #housebound #belief #God #mothe #marriage #Altzheimers #love #divorce #drugas #alcohol #parents #tv #Television #Blessings
Who Am I with Matt King 2nd January 2024
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #sex #birth #japan #tsunami #weather #family #spirit #Facebook #religion #humanity #family #PenguinBooks #tv #confession communion #bars #restaurant #alcohol #community #youthclubs #mps #Education #EU #Putin
The Nostalgia of Christmas with Matt King 26th December 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #Christmas #Church #Nostalgia #Methodist #Catholic #Singsong #piano #fiddle #KenDodd #Doddy #TommyCooper #BobMonkhouse #Tiffanys #Bounce #Doorman #BruceSpringsteen #RollingStones #TheBeatles #BBCRadioMerseyside #RadioClatterbridge #BobWooler #100club #FolkMusic #TheSpinners #Health #Faith #HolyFamily
Appearance Matters with Matt King 19th December 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #firstimpressions #family #routine #school #inspection #uniform #service #Spain #UK #tattoos #earrings #hotelstaff #reception #police #forces #management #media #shoes #trainers #sport #entertainment #standards #teachers #example
Why Go To Church? with Matt King 12th December 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy #curuch #christianity #school #religiouseducation #people #tencommandments #churchofengland #romancatholic #muslime #belief #atheism #agnostics #masks #StPeters #culture
On Being Lazy with Matt King 6th December 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #work #workethic #maggiethatcher #sloth #fanily education #apprentice #skill #Dickensian #food #diet #exercise #mining #internet #lethargy #physicalwork #mentalwork #time #life #values #religious
Why We Bother with Christmas with Matt King 28th November 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy #christmas #tradition #culture #woke #mothers #family #christianity #faith #marketing #church #santa #fatherchristmas #thegrotto #elves #spiritofchristmas #reindeer #lapland #weather #snow #christmasmeal #parties #debt #lights #trees #films #TV #savingup #Lapland
The Sanctity of Motherhood with Matt King 22nd November
@mattking and @vincetracy #mothers #childbirth #motherhood #gender #respect #abilities #qualities #achievements #feelings #athers #teachers #property #religion #politics #politicians #VAR #sport #fairplay #discipline #wake #woke #traditions #culture #church #temple #Christmas #########
What is Nationality? discussed with Matt King 14th November 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #nation #nationality #legal #England #Scotland #NIreland #Wales #Economics #Spain #Lifestyle #Choice #language #sport #tournament #Eurovision #Newworldorder #Genocide #Iran #Israel #Eden
Matters of Conscience discussed with Matt King 7th November 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #Israel #Hamas #Palestine #hostages #conscience #parents #religion #teachers #bible #koran #religion #iman #priest #rabbi #farsi #tencommandments #japan #bombs #music #sport #devil #good #evil #sport #VAR #banks #politicians
Sharing the Roads with Matt King 1st November 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #roads #drivers #cars #scooters #peletons #buses #hgv #pedestrians #police #emergency #parking #pedestrians #dogs #excrement #dangerousdogs #jaywalking #tolls #buslanes #tests #taxes #responsibility #disability #caring #sharing #rulesofroad
The Relevance of Rules with Matt King 24th October 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy #rules #laws #regulations #family #school #primary #nursery #tertiary #workplace #bosses #supervisors #travel #bus #boat #highwaycode #voting #visas #identification #politics #ideologies #unions #rugby #football #England #SouthAfrica #referees #commandments #fairness #VAR #explanation
Learning and Speaking Spanish discussed Matt King 18th October 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #Spain #spanish #travel #BasqueCountry #Bilbao #Ibiza #Mallorca #Tenerife #Benidorm #culture #school #greece #france #french #german #teaching #qualifications #QTS #U3A #community
Spain's National Day discussed with Matt King 9th October 2023
@vincetracy @mattking discussed #spain #diadehispanidad #culture #monarchy #military #guardicivil #king #virgendepilar #madrid #zaragoza #stpatrick #stgeorge #standrew #compostela #stjames #patronsaints #multicultural #parades #fiestas #garabandel #umbe #religion
Fireworks with Matt King 3rd October 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #fireworks #pyrotechnics #culture #spain #china #uk #bonfirenight #guyfawkes #parliament #animals #fiestas #laolla #miliary #mezclata #fallas #wildlife #pollution #weddings #celebrations #health #military
The World of Colour with Matt King 12th September 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #colour #luschercolourtest #yellow #red #blue #green #SAD #nature #animals #pets #zoo #elephants #hippo #rhino #camouflage #personality #skin #race #clothing #fashion #catwalk #sport #rugby #football
How Travel Broadens the Mind with Matt King 5th September 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #Australlia #UK #Wirral #Wales #liverpool #Scotland #Bethesda #Snowden #Snowdon #Singapore #TelAviv #cruises #culture #museums #Birkenhead #Tranmers #Wimbledon #Dubai #sport #judo #rugby #Brixton #race #Russia #USA #America #China #family
Reasons to Be Cheerful with Matt King 29th August 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #cheerfulness #iandrury #happy #health #wealth #happiness #stress #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #familymusicfestival #fiestas #fireworks #food #water #freshair #pollution #stores #deliverydrivers #globalwarming #television #education #attitude
What is Attitude? with Matt King 22nd August 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #attitude #truculance #education #cognitivebehaviour #family #teacher #school #emotional #behavioural #definition #report #Spain #UK #bulls #customerservice #work #applicationforms #interviews #television #soaps #coronationstreet #ideology #animals #science #personality
The Concept of Sharing with Matt King 15th August 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #sharing #feedingofthe5000 #disciples #thebible #thefamily #miracles #siblings #learning #teaching #school #playschool #primaryeducation #secondaryeducation #bullying #punishment #discipline #teachertraing #stmarystwickenham #coilegeofStMarkandStJohn #ideology #commonmarket #economy #peña #spain #uk #Facebook #community
How Technology has changed our Lives with Matt King 8th August 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #technology #telephone #mobilephones #phoneboxes #phoneshops #computers #computerprogrammes #apps #keyboards #typewriters #atari #toshiba #microsoft #windows #internet #worldwideweb #amplifiers #homecomputers #schools #cars #petrol #diesel #electric #morrisminor #borgwardisabella #binmen #plastic #glass #media #satellite
The Joys of Living with Matt King 1st August 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #sleep #health #mentalhealth #fitness #sleep #pets #children #food #eatingout #meals #gastronomia #denia #albir #altea #fysonfury #nicepeople #sport #tourism #peace #beauty #nature #sleep
The Nonsense Behind the National Curriculum with Matt King 25th July 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #uk #teaching #learning #curriculum #nationalcurriculum #sexeducation #morals #ethics #ideology #woke #religiousstudies #primaryschool #secondaryschool #teachertraining #educationacts #educationact1944 #census2021 #educationact1988 #educationact1998
The Subliminal Effects of Playing Music with Matt KIng 18th July 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #music #fashion #dj #charts #historyofmusic #mods #rockers #rapping #rap #guitars #words #subliminalmessages #spain #oci #localradio #standards #broadcastingauthorities #BBC #ITV #videos #television
Making Sense of The Gift of Life with Matt King 11th July 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #themeaninglife #parents #life #sperm #giftoflife #state #communism #marxism #culturalmarxism #marriage #parenthood #God #Ideology #Governance
The True Worth of Good Parents with Matt King 4th July 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #education #nationalcurriculum #parents #teachers #teachertraining #citizenship #religion #bible #koran #cycleofdeprivation #religiouseducation #publicexams #physicaleducation #values #culture #culturalmarxism #uncletom #media #ideologicalsubversion #bookertwashington #alinsky #wddubois #socialmedia
Sex Education Under Severe Scrutiny with Matt King 27th June 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #sexeducation #primaryschools #uk #christianinstitute #BBC #councils #Derby #Devon #Swindon #Worcestershire #Hampshire #Brighton #nationalcurriculum #labour #tv #sexeducationforum #adultlanguage #appropriateteaching #agesandstages #primaryschoolssexandrelationshipeducationpack #HitUK article reference https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1364360/Sex-education-Do-want-5-year-old-child-given-explicit-lessons.html?fbclid=IwAR06od8SU_TwHru17X-ozU_1_0MdUZFhG4ZA4j8HcAScjntuo39x5tS_OOM
The UK Honours Lists with Matt King 20th June 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #royalty #honours #honourslists #QueenVictoria #QueenElizabeth #KingCharles #MPs #honour #democracy #education #Sir #EdwardHeath #OliverCromwell #JimmySaville #RolfHarris #WinstonChurchill #lifepeerage #TheBeatles #MickJagger #Chivalry #MichaelSheen
Modern Drugs and Their Impact on Society with Matt KIng 16th June 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #cannabis #lsd #heroin #zombiedrugs #alcohol #peerpressure #Centrepoint #sport #rugby #Eastertour #psychiatrists #california #immunosuppressants #policing #politicians #schools #tv #internet #phones #addiction #exercise #antidote #education #fashion #substances #doctors #music #60s #Usa #psychedelic #socialdrugs #beer #ectstacy #muscles #intensivecare #tea #coffee #parents #acceptability #protestantworkethic
Keeping Pets with Matt King 6th June 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #pets #responsibility #cats #dogs #excrement #bullies #barking #food #personality #transgender #animalkingdom #trophyshooting #aggression #budgies #tortoises #vets #doctors #exercise #crufts #kennelclub #hamsters #snakes #statussymbol #queen #corgis #horses #englishlanguage #emotion #feeling #caring #pickinguppoo
Aspects of the Weather with Matt King 30th May 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discuss #weather #rainfall #forecasting #crops #politics #Valencia #Alicante #seasons #planting #farming #food #planning #sport #spring #summer #autumn #winter #dust #sahara #heat #cold #reservoirs #emergency #emergencyservices #fire #gotafria #fishing #sea #motoring #watermanagement #conversation
What Happened to Good Manners? with Matt King 23rd May 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #manners #etiquette #upbringing #polite #politeness #behaviour #norms #values #children #school #teachers #customerservice #culture #classroom #roads #sport #referee #rules #rugby #judo #tradition #language #vocabulary #hierarchy #peckingorder #knights #driving #cleanliness #frrench #tutoyez
The Concept of Loyalty with Matt King 17th May 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #loyalty #allegiance #faithfulness #duty #obediance #good #bad #devotion #bullying #bullies #lying #lies #truth #honesty #respect #school #education #fags #commitment #treatment #mission #customers #betrayal #religion #law #obligation
The True Value of Sport with Matt King 9th May 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #KingCharles #Queen #UK #Coronation #polo #horses #lionelrichie #sport #teamwork #health #fitness #fun #professional #injuries #tennis #rugby #football #injuries #violence #mma #martialarts #activities #seniors #community #elitist#cheating #ownership #sponsorship #management #parents
Computers and The Internet-Friend or Foe with Matt King 2nd May 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #computers #internet #technology #laptops #advertising #soaps #news #chatbots #teaching #marketing #banking #socialmedia #quality #qualitytime #age #chatbots #AI #artificialintelligence #Unilever #IBM #sinclair #security #cyberspace
The Cashless Society with matt King 25th April 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #cashlesssociety #cryptocurrency #EU #Money #cash #pocketmoney #tips #restaurants #cards #technology #charities #jobs #AI #artificialintelligence #germs #atm
Putting the Great back in Britain with Matt King 17th April 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking #discipline #respect #teaching #education #philosophy #parenting #legitimate #television #radio #newspapers #media #police #judiciary #democracy #sex #violence #internet #cheating #jails #prison #drugs #wages #ceo #MPs #Parliament
Are we Being Mugged by Television? Matt King 11th April 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discuss #television #radio #BBC #ITV #Advertising #revenue #broadcasting #thesoaps #coronationstreet #eastenders #sky #breakfasttv #thewatershed #rupertmurdoch #Greenwich #the pips #chelmsford #marconi #Baird #rediffusion #telefusion #originsoftv
The Role of the Father with Matt King and Vince Tracy 4th April 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #fathers #fatherhood #rolemodels #theroleofthefather #education #sexeducation #male #female #gender #responsibility #television #schools #parentingskills #discipline #fatherfigure #behaviour #popculture #rape #marriage #transgender #agenda #morals #pregnancy #paternal #StJoseph #Easter #passionplays #childhood
Mother´s Day and the role of the Mother with Matt King 27th March 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #mothersday #motheringsunday #education #adoption #pregnancy #woman #annajarvis #greeks #romans #Lent #juliawardhowe #conception #birth #transgender #adoption #family #communism #paedophiles #sex #love #soaps #coronationstreet #female #male
Artificial Intelligence and the Future with Matt King 21st March 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #computers #robots #maps #navigation #google #alexa #mobilephones #algoryhthms #chatbots #predictivetexts #medicine #translating #automaticcars #flyingcars #data #humanintelligence #machines #computersystems #humacontact
The Psychology of Sport with Matt King 14th March 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #psychology #psychiatry #sport #teams #individuals #performance #eyesenk #athletics #football #rugby #England #Liverpool #TorvilleandDean #trainer #coach #manager #sponsor #training #skill #media #socialmedia #majorsports #minorsports #defeat #victory #winningmentality #martialarts #motivation
The meaning of Luck with Matt King 7th March 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discuss the meaning of luck and how it affects our lives including #luck #fortune #chance #abortion #birth #family #wealth #belief #religion #doctor #nurse #midwife #education #skills #pregnancy #parents #mother #father #sport #superstition #naturaldisasters #numerology #luckofthedevil #ireland #60s #university #sportingchance #wealth #meaningoflife #spiritual #God #thedevil
Role Models with Matt King 28 February 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #rolemodel #parents #mother #father #siblings #school #teacher #judo #martialarts #teachers #sportsstars #popstars #work #job #supervisors #colleagues #partner #marriage #margaretthatcher #politics #politicians #manners #education #imitation #values #hardwork #respect #rugby #londonscottish
Understanding Life in Spain Part 2 with Matt King 21st February 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking developed the theme of living in #Spain discussing #Fiestas #Peñas #Bars #restaurants #education #eu #europeans #media #radio #newspapers #builders #planningpermission #materials #construction #streetmarkets #tourism #padron #electoralregister #playa #beaches
What's it like living in Spain? with Matt King 14th February 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed aspects of life in Spain including #language #learning #community #Spain #UK #England #property #cars #padron #electoralregister #weather #community #police #townhall #peñas #fiestas #society #change
What is Cheating? with Matt King 7th February 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #cheating #sport #rules #football #coaches #rugby #athletics ·#teaching #politicians #lying #usa #elections #primaryschool #exams #modules #transgender #cheats #insidertrading #ai #artificialintelligence #fairplay #bible #koran #rules
The World of Drugs with Matt King 30th January 2023
@vincetracy and @mattking discussed #drugs #alcohol #socialdrinking #nicotine #police #hallucinogens #music #sport #government #law #tv #addiction #cannabis #addiction
The News and News Gathering with Matt King 24th January 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed yet another can of worms! #the press #printing #paper #pulp #politics #war #information #thedailycourant #literacy #broadsheet #tablois #eveningherald #westernmorningnews #bbc #itv #thetimes #theguardian #snopes #politifact #journalist #WEF #thesoaps #desktoppublishing #internet #northcliffe #freedomofthepress #readers #education
Advertising and Marketing with Matt King 17th January 2023
What a can of worms this can be. We discussed such topics as #wordofmouth #selling #hardsell #newspaper #television #radio #trading #BBC #ITV #junkmail #socialmedia #sport #politics #aftersalesservice #subliminaladvertising #printing #America #publicserviceadverts #bingo #gaming #editorial #sales #targetadvertising #campaigns
What is Happiness? with Matt King 10th January 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #happiness #pleasure #physical #meal #service #passion #job #truth #beauty #love #goodness #Royalty #Harry #Meghan #perfect #unhappiness #content #discontent #family #friends #support #drugs #alcohol
Music Over Our Years with Matt King 3rd January 2023
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed the world of #music from our early influences in the #home and #school #teachers #guitars #choirs #50s #60s #70s #80s #90s #Liverpool #rocknroll #folkmusic #glamrock #punk #video #mtv
Retirement -(especially abroad) Matt King 27th December 2022
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed the very important question of #retirement looking at #pensions #careers #education #careersadvice #timemanagement #finances #money #age #health #travel #ambition #fitness #languagelearning #Spain #UK #hobbies #music
The Implications of Being a Performer Matt King 19th December 2022
@mattking and @vincetracy discuss #performingarts #gigs #music #guitars #instruments #school #family #rehearsing #fitness #audience #goingdownwell #thepublic #talent #weather #agents
The Camera Never Lies Matt King 13th December 2022
@mattking and @vincetracy discussed #photogrphy #television #media #software #technology #var #politics #editing #presenting #paperazzi #telephones #animations #disney #misinformation #Qatar
The Value of Sport with Matt King 7th December 2022@vincetracy and @mattking discussed the true value of teaching, learning and playing sport including #teamwork #rules #authority #skills #cheating #bullying #injury #racism #skills #coaches #paedophiles #teaching #rugby #judo #drugs #hooligans #parents
The True Meaning of Christmas with Matt King 1st December 2022 @vincetracy and @mattking discuss #Christmas #Christ #Bethlehem #Rome #Christianity #Holydays #Holidays #Marketing #Media #TV #Nativity #Nativityplays #Church #religion #God #Belief #Puritans ##Rome #10commandments #Christmastrees #TheRestoration
Concepts of Freedom with Matt King 22nd November 2022
@MattKing and @vincetracy discuss Concepts of Freedom which took us into many areas including #freedom #responsibility #abortion #freedomofspeech #censorship #religion #woke #religiousfreedoms #juststopoil #freedomofinformation #media #soapoperas #internet #licences #immigration
Telling the Truth with Matt King 15th November 2022We are in danger of forgetting everything we have been taught during our formative years especially about the importance of telling the truth. @mattking joins @vincetracy to discuss aspects of telling the truth.....#religion #christianity #Truth #lies #falsenews #education #depression #mentalhealth #politicians #boris #liztruss #knowledge #media #law #parliament #ethics
Radio Colleague Matt King discusses Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll 8th Nov. 2022@mattking and @vincetracy discussed the implications of #alcohol and #drugabuse from definitions of these terms via #teaching #experience #sport #rugby #judo #music #Spain #UK #theosaps #advertising #sponsors #centrepoint #emmerdale #coronationstreet #beer #spirits #depression #loneliness #socialdrinking #age
Matt King joins me to discuss #Altzheimers and #Dementia An updated study on dementia published in the Lancet found that around 40% of dementia cases worldwide might be attributable to 12 potentially modifiable risk factors ..........1st November 2022so we looked at such factors as #Health #education #lifestyle #smoking #drugs #alcohol #hypertension #obesity #depression #physicalfitness #diabetes #internet #socialcontact #airpollution #contactsports #headinjury
Matt King What is our Purpose? Matt graduated from St Mary's College, Twickenham
Singer/Songwriter Paul Reaney from Neston, Wirral Merseyside tells me about four of his great songs. Paul appears as Harbour Moon and also as Dansette Alligators and his songs are lively and varied. I particularly like Town Like this and Lost in the Flood .....so click for today's podcast featuring Paul Reaney and his music
Click for a great Beatles Information podcast created by Vince with Mike and Bernadette Byrne who are the founders of this great Liverpool attraction. This is a really interesting glimpse of life in the Merseybeat era.
I recently caught up with hitmaker, broadcaster and Euroweeklynews columnist, Leapy Lee and we took a look at the way things are shaping up in the world. You can find what we were discussing at the following link....https://www.vincetracy.com/podcastfile/leapylee12november2022.mp3